Posts in Blog
Why people deny facts

One of the biases in Behavioural Science is called the Confirmation Bias, which refers to the tendency to search for, interpret, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s pre-existing beliefs.   A professor from the University of Winnipeg conducted a psychology experiment to better understand this bias…

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BlogAndrew DeLeeuwComment
How to make exercise habits 'stick' in the new year

It’s the start of the new year, and we all generally start out with good intentions of keeping our resolutions, which often include diet and exercise.  We have a lot of enthusiasm at the beginning, but it begins to wane over time.  Here are some tips to help you stick your fitness goals by leveraging the power of Behavioural Science.

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BlogAndrew DeLeeuwComment
SERMO: 'Yelp' for Drugs

SERMO’s drug-rating system for doctors by doctors has garnered over 655,000 ratings on over 4,000 medications in the last year.  SERMO is now the number one social network for doctors in the US and globally providing a safe space to solve and discuss medical cases and issues and to rate treatments.  Additionally, it offers honoraria for doctors who share their opinions. The popularity of SERMO and the transformation it represents highlights the importance of developing a multi-faceted strategy across communication touchpoints in a rapidly changing digital landscape.  Healthcare marketers must stay up to date with this on-going digital transformation in order to maximise the effectiveness of their marketing spend and to better serve the needs of doctors across the globe.

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Cape Town: Nudges to Save Water

Cape Town, South Africa, home to 3.4 million residents, could soon be the first major city in the world to run out of water—a day that’s been dubbed ‘Day Zero.’   Day Zero could happen as early as mid-July if there’s no significant rain, and residents will have to travel to one of the city’s 200 collections points to receive their daily ration of 25 litres per person. 

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An Australian anaesthetist has sparked a global movement #TheatreCapChallenge, encouraging surgical staff to don their names and positions on their scrub caps in an effort to reduce confusion in operating theatres and improve patient safety. 

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BlogAndrew DeLeeuwComment
New Zealand: Racism Needs Your Help to Survive

New Zealand, a peaceful country in the South Pacific with relatively high ethnic diversity, is facing a growing number of complaints concerning racial discrimination according to the country’s human rights commission.  To curb this trend, they’ve launched a clever campaign to reframe the debate within the country.  Watch the campaign video here, featuring Hollywood Director Taika Waititi. 


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Recycling Nudges

How does the appearance of an object impact its likelihood of being recycled?  How important are the shapes of trashcans? Can too many recycling bins actually encourage over-consumption?  Check out this article for more examples of Behaviour Science in recycling.  

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Choosing Wisely?

The ‘Choosing Wisely’ Campaign is led by the ABIM Foundation and Consumer Reports and hopes to cultivate meaningful conversations between clinicians and patients about avoiding unnecessary medical tests, treatments, and procedures. The threat are cognitive biases that impact clinician decision-making.


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Not Your Average Vending Machine...

Vending machines have offered convenient access to snacks and beverages, but entrepreneurs around the world are now stocking them with products ranging from cycling helmets in Melbourne to needle exchanges in Las Vegas.  This demonstrates an effort to make access to these products easier for consumers. 

Check out this article for more unusual vending machines across the globe.

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